Author Topic: Emergency Protest End Britain's Involvement in Military Aggression Against Libya  (Read 19568 times)


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Emergency Protest End Britain's Involvement in Military Aggression Against Libya!
Monday March 21
Newcastle Monument

Bring placards

Oppose the military aerial bombardment on Libya by France, Britain, US and other countries. They are trying to fool the world that this is a legal and humanitarian act to "protect civilians". The resolution they have does not authorise regime change yet this is once again their stated aim and they have started to do this with airstrikes. It was a minority vote at the "Security Council" of UN with 5 countries expressing serious concerns and abstaining within the "Security Council" and many more in the UN opposing this military interference. Interference in a sovereign country in this way is an act of war and has no legality in the UN charter.

The consequences of the intervention in Libya and interference in the the civil conflict there will lead to huge disasters for the people of Libya and North Africa. Many hundreds of thousands have been killed in the their previous interventions in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq.

These warmongers have been trying to hoodwink the people into thinking that they are so humanitarian when in fact they care not for the many people who will be killed as a result but they see their chance to satisfy the venal interests of the arms companies, of the Big oil companes in robbing the people of Libya and the people of North Africa of their oil and other precious resources and their freedom and their lives.

Stand against the warmongers Cameron, Hague and the British government who have been in the forefront of calling for intervention in Libya. Stand against whole pro-war consensus at Westminster, which without even a vote in Parliament are leading the country into further aggression extended now from the Middle East into North Africa and involving Britain in yet more aggressive wars. That we have a new Blair in Cameron shows even more the need to fight for an anti-war government in Britain.


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Around 30 people attended an emergency protest was organised by Tyneside Stop the War Coalition on Monday, March 21st at 5pm at the Monument to protest against the military intervention of Britain and big powers in Libya.

Roger Nettleship chairing and opening the protest said on March 19th, the international gangsters France, Britain and the US committed an act of war against Libya by launching over 100 missiles at Libya and seizing the assets of the Bank of Libya abroad. He explained that, as with Iraq and Afghanistan the war could not be legitimised under the UN charter even if being "legalised" by a minority vote in the UN when the majority of nations expressed their concerns at the action. He went on to say that Cameron was the new Blair and this shows even more the need to fight for an anti-war government in Britain that such a programme of the anti-war movement stood for peaceful resolution of conflicts between nations and within nations and nothing could justify the present attack on Libya and the pro-war consensus at Westminster.

Alex Snowden also speaking from Tyneside Stop the War Coalition said military intervention was not the way to bring democracy. Not through cruise missiles and B52s. What was crucial for the people of Libya is their self determination and that they control their own destiny and not having it taken away by the big western powers. It was hypocritical for Cameron, Obama and Clinton and so on to claim that they support popular uprisings as they also arm countries that suppress uprisings. He said look at history look at the so-called humanitarian interventions in Iraq and in Afghanistan they have been disastrous and the attack on Libya is not different if the big powers don't get what they want through airstrikes we could well see a ground invasion.

Tony Dowling of Tyneside Stop the War Coalition spoke saying that we have to be quite clear that our governments, the west, the United Nations have never gone to intervene in a country to actually help the people. They go in only for their own political and economic interests. He said that are saying we have to cut millions from public services but they are sending Cruise Missiles at a million pounds a time into Libya.

The chair then concluded by saying the aim of the anti-war movement isn't just to oppose each war as they launch it but also to create the conditions in Britain for an anti-war government that resolves international conflicts and conflicts within countries in a peaceful way. Everyone was called upon to oppose the military intervention in Libya and the Middle East.