Author Topic: Palestinian Resistance Wins Ceasefire  (Read 3445 times)


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Palestinian Resistance Wins Ceasefire
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:25:46 PM »
Palestinian Resistance Wins Ceasefire

Long Live the Palestinian Resistance!

Celebrations in Gaza City, November 21, 2012.

The Zionist occupiers of Palestine have been forced to agree to a ceasefire that states, "Israel shall stop all hostilities in the Gaza Strip land, sea and air, including incursions and targeting of individuals ... [and shall commit to] Opening the crossings and facilitating the movement of people and transfer of goods and refraining from restricting residents' free movements and targeting residents in border areas."

The agreement is a significant victory for the Palestinian resistance and the second major defeat of the Zionists since they invaded and were forced out of Lebanon in 2006.

All humanity is witness to the defeat of the Zionist aggression against Gaza. The penetration of Palestinian rockets into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem has shaken the aura of invincibility and confidence of the Zionist aggressors and shows what will come if they do not recognise the rights of Palestinians and reach a negotiated political agreement. The words of the ceasefire are objective and verifiable regarding the lifting of the Zionist blockade of Gaza. The entire world led by the Palestinian resistance will hold the Zionist occupiers to account to turn their words in the ceasefire into deeds and stop their inhuman aggression against Palestinians and lift the blockade of Gaza.

The peoples of the world salute the heroic Palestinian resistance and its determination to right the wrong that imperialism has inflicted on the Palestinian people. Their resistance buoys the spirits of people everywhere who are dealing with the arrogance, interference and murderous assaults of U.S. imperialism and their vassals. The ceasefire represents a defeat of the Obama doctrine of drone warfare and political assassination together with the Bush doctrine of "shock and awe" warfare, and the expectation that such acts of dehumanized warfare will break the spirit of resistance of the people and force them to submit to imperialist aggression and rule.

This victory lifts the spirits of Palestinians everywhere who have the inalienable right of return to their land and homes which the Anglo-U.S. imperialists forced them to leave in 1948 and afterwards. The injustice of the Nakba, the great catastrophe of 1948 and subsequent crimes of the Zionist occupiers and their Anglo-US backers and financiers must be righted with the right of return of Palestinians and their descendants.

The continuous barbarous and genocidal attacks of the Zionist occupiers prove that they are not fit to rule and have no intention of finding a political solution to the Palestinian right of return. They must be held to account for their war crimes. The desire of all progressive and peace-loving peoples of the world is to see the right of return of Palestinians upheld within a Palestinian state that recognizes the rights of all its residents regardless of religion or any other cultural observance.

The victory against yet another Zionist war crime further isolates the Zionist occupiers, their conciliators and Anglo-U.S. imperialist backers. The ceasefire proves that the tide is turning against the refusal to provide the rights of the Palestinians with a guarantee and proves that resistance is the only path to defend the rights of all and open a way forward to peace, security and justice.