Author Topic: Syria officially complains about Israeli airstrike on Syrian military site  (Read 5963 times)


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Syria officially complains about Israeli airstrike on Syrian military site
Xinhua 2013-01-31 23:21:46 Xinhua WeiboFacebookTwitter RedditDiigoDeliciousDiggLinkedinMySpaceSina WeiboKaixinRenrenQ-zoneTencent WeiboSohu WeiboNetEase Weibo

 DAMASCUS, Jan. 31 (Xinhua) -- Syria's Foreign Ministry summoned on Thursday the leader of the UN Disengagement Observer Force ( UNDOF) and filed an official complaint about the Israeli attack that targeted a Syrian military research center in the capital Damascus a day earlier.

In a statement carried out by the state-media, the ministry informed Major General Iqbal Singh Singha that Israel had violated the charter of disengagement concluded in 1974, by penetrating the Syrian airspace and bombing the military research center in Jumraya suburb of Damascus.

The ministry held the UN Security Council responsible for the results of the aggression, stressing Syria's right in defending itself, its sovereignty and territories in the face of any aggression.

It also said the Security Council's failure in condemning the Israeli attacks would have its repercussions on the entire region and international peace alike.

Israeli war jets carried out an airstrike at dawn Wednesday that hit a military research site in the Jumraya suburb of the capital Damascus, local media said, as western officials speculated that the airstrike targeted a convoy carrying sophisticated antiaircraft weaponry from Syria to Lebanon's Hezbollah. Israeli has been keeping silent about the rare airstrike.

A Syrian military statement said Wednesday evening that Israeli war jets sneaked off radars and hit a center for scientific research in a suburb of Damascus at dawn, adding that the attack came after many unsuccessful attempts by the "armed terrorist groups" to capture this site over the past months.

The Syrian military hinted that the Israeli air raid played in the hands of the rebels.

Decrying the move as "flagrant intervention" to the Syrian airspace, the military contended that Israel is the driving force and beneficiary of the terrorist acts committed in Syria with the partnership of Qatar and Turkey. The statement, however, said nothing about a possible payback.

Syria has technically been in a state of war with Israel since its creation in 1948. Their enmity has risen with the Syrian administration rendering support to the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria during the 1967 Arab-Israel war. Syria fought another war in 1973 after which it regained small parts of land that Israel occupied six years earlier.