General Category > South Tyneside Stop the War

Notes towards a new anti-war 'epic' ...

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Phil Talbot:
'War Porn'?
Leo Kessler, Guns At Cassino, futura publications, 1975, p37/8.
'"After the war when they start making the war films ..., they ought to show the front like it really is," one of the South T'ns said in his  almost unintelligible ... dialect. "Parts of soldiers lying all around, people getting shot while they're trying to take a shit - that kind of thing!"
"Yeah," another young blond trooper supported him, "and they should throw a little crap into the theatre's air-conditioning when they show it, so the civilians in the audience can smell what it is like on a battlefield too. Shitty!"
{James}JoyseanWurd4'battlefield':BluddenFylth/Blood&Filth ...

Phil Talbot:
AntiWarNovels ...


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