Author Topic: Milovan Drecum Reports from Libya on NATO and "Rebel" Attrocities  (Read 4940 times)


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Milovan Drecum Reports from Libya on NATO and "Rebel" Attrocities
Posted: 2011/07/18

The Organization for Peace and Help visits Libya and reports on the situation there

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(mathaba) -- A Bulgarian reporter’s crew from Belgrade, composed of journalist and military-political commentator Milovan Drecum, as well as cameraman Nebojsa Tijanic, went to Libya to obtain a first-hand account of the war. This video reveals detailed, on-the-ground information about what is actually happening inside Libya. It is now probably one of the best reports coming out of Libya to date, along with Dr. Webster Tarpley’s and Mr. Lamb’s.

Various interviews of Libyan people, conducted by Milovan Drecum, reveal the crystal clear goals of NATO: to destroy the Libyan economy, which was growing so fast that that growth was perceived by the Northern white nations as a threat. Perhaps more fundamentally, they were simply filled with jealousy and rage and hatred of the Libyan African giant. Libya was serving as a strong example of powerful, independent, economic growth, so the Northern white nations decided to put a halt to that growth. I’ve transcribed some highlights of the broadcast, for your convenience.

A representative of The Organization for Peace and Help stated the following:

“NATO wishes to destroy our infrastructure. With embargo and aggression they have stopped our life. They put a stop to about two hundred billion dollars [of] investment. Those are the contracts with the new foreign companies.

“Libya employed about three and a half million foreign workers, who supported their families. That amounts to about twenty million people. Now, they have no other means of life, because NATO destroyed their workplaces. Libya has oil, gas and it is a big marketplace. “The West was afraid of Libya’s quick growth.”

The Narrator:

“The reporters from Belgrade saw for themselves the acts of NATO, that bombed densely populated parts of Tripoli. It is unfathomable that at the center of the town, eighteen missiles hit and completely destroyed the buildings containing the headquarters of several non-governmental organizations, as well as the special school for children with disabilities, which is under protection by U.N.E.S.C.O.

“Just in the period from March 19 to June 7, NATO aviation conducted 11,000 sorties! [More statistics given by Dr. Moussa Ibrahim, Minister of Information for the Libyan Jamahiriya, in the video]. Every day, civilian buildings and vehicles, including medical, are being destroyed. Due to the lack of food and medicines, the children are the most endangered. The Libyan population is facing a grave humanitarian disaster.”

Afaf Abu Youssef, a laywer, says:

“We as lawyers, together with our colleagues from all over the world, will sue NATO, which is leading a psychological and material war on Libya, for the wounded and killed women, for women who lost their babies, for women who lost their husbands, sons and brothers in this war. We have enough evidence about all the atrocities NATO committed. We will sue NATO in all of the European countries.”

The Narrator:

“The independent reporters from Belgrade have, in their possession, some videos showing terrible crimes committed by the insurgents. Also, they have recorded the testimony of the refugees from the towns controlled by the rebels, who, right in front of their mob in the town square, kill and torture [people whom they consider to be] disobedient civilians.

“They cut them to pieces, wrap them in plastic bags, burn them up, and then drop their bodies into the sea or at dumpsters. There are also suspicions of a body-organ trade going on.

“In order to terrorize those families who remain loyal to Gaddafi, the rebels are performing the systematic and planned raping of women.

An eye witness says:

“If they know my name or if they see my face, they would kill my mother, father and the rest of my family that remained in Dherna. There are a lot of killings there—a great number of people were killed. The rebels attacked the police in Dherna.

“They set government buildings and the port on fire. They stole the containers and the cars from the port. They broke into prison and released the criminals. The town is not held by the rebels, but by Al-Qaeda itself.”

A journalist from Misratah says:

“Those people that attacked us—They wore long beards and shortened pants. Those people are Al-Qaeda, plain and simple! In only three days, they have destroyed the town as in World War II! They intimidate people, they carry guns and they are difficult to talk to.

Moussa Ibrahim, spokesman for the Libyan Jamahiriya, says:

“There is a media war against us. The [media] propaganda says that the state has committed a crime against its people. And now we have rebels admitting that they have done so.”

The Narrator:

“The town of Misratah is strategically the most important front for achieving the goals of the insurgents and the NATO alliance. The rebels would have an open road to Tripoli. There are two factions fighting against Gaddafi: the rebels, under the control of the U.S.A.; and Al-Qaeda, who uses mercenaries and jihadists from around the world.”

Haled al-Kaim, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Libya says:

“At the front line in Ajdabiya, in the military base where NATO is training the rebel fighters, an American solider sat together with a member of Al-Qaeda named Shansari, who is from Saudi Arabia, and who fought in Afghanistan, Iraq, Chechnya, Bosnia and Kosovo. That footage was shown on TV. That is evidence of America’s cooperation with Al-Qaeda here in Libya.”

The Narrator:

“What the international public does not know is that there are about two-thousand tribes in Libya and all of them support Gaddafi and his defense of the country. The Western media stays silent about those gatherings of support of the Libyan leader, because they represent Gaddafi’s greatest strength, and the biggest problem for the U.S.A. and the NATO alliance. ‘The West can take the wealth of Libya only if they destroy all the tribes,’ say the sheiks.

Sheik ali Mohammad al-Ahvel says:

“If they destroy all of us, they can place anyone they want to rule the country. What does it matter to them who is our leader? What business do they have here? This is our internal affair. Did we choose Sarkozy, Obama or any other president in the world? We are not people without father and mother—people without roots. We are not little children.”

A member of the Warfalla tribe, Abdu Selam, says:

“We are the Warfalla tribe—the biggest tribe in the Libyan Jamahiriya. We support our leader Gaddafi, because he is good for us.”

Dr. Moussa Ibrahim says:

“If NATO attempts the ground invasion, our army will not fight in the conventional way. There would be fights from one street to another, for every alley and every house. Libyan people have a fighting spirit. They won’t accept foreign forces. Our culture and morale incline towards combat. Now we have no other option. We are fighting for our homes.”

The Narrator:

“Except for the media reports, for the time being there are still no international commissions there to establish the truth about the Libyan drama. In the ongoing media war, truth is the greatest victim.” -- mathaba/DS