Author Topic: DPRK and Cuba Comment  (Read 3874 times)


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DPRK and Cuba Comment
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:12:05 PM »
It looks as if on Friday the provocoative accusations against the DPRK on cyber terrorism were aimed at finally ramming through the UN "anti-human rights" resolution against the DPRK by the US. On the same day I read an article by an honest anti-communist journalist who admitted a year ago:

Yes, the "history" spoon fed to Americans completely omits the holocaust from the air carried out by U.S. bombers and fighter planes against North Korean cities during the Korean War.

American planes dropped tens of thousands of bombs and many hundreds of tons of napalm on cities in North Korea. Even Winston Churchill criticized the savagery of the American attack when he commented, "When napalm was invented in the latter stages of World War II, no one contemplated that it would be ‘splashed' over a civilian population." Three million North Koreans died during this conflict, and 18 out of its 22 largest cities were 50 percent to 100 percent obliterated.

Cumings notes that by 1952, most of the survivors living in central and North Korea lived in caves. North Korea continued to burrow underground, and today it has over 15,000 underground facilities, many made of hardened concrete to survive nuclear attacks and American bombs. These include factories, plane hangars, and many other kinds of installations. The author again emphasizes that North Korea is a garrison state "because of the holocaust the North experienced during the Korean War."

The 50th anniversary of the armistice ending the Korean War came and went on July 27, 2003, and 40,000 American troops remain in South Korea, where they have been since occupying the country in September 1945."
I think this puts in perspective at who is violating human rights and  carrying out torture of prisoners and genocide abroad - The US.
The good news is Cuba, Fidel, Raul  and the comunists finally triumphed in getting the release of the final three  of the Cuban 5 and at least a formal statement on establishing diplomatic relations.  Raul has said the US must respect the Cuban socialist system.  I am sure our Cuban comrades will be more alert than ever to the subversion that the US intends agreeing to this move for normalisation of formal relations between the two countries.