Author Topic: Letter from Democratic People's Republic of Korea to President of United Nations  (Read 7236 times)


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Letter from Democratic People's Republic of Korea to President of United Nations Security Council


Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to bring to your attention the aggressive joint military exercise so-called "Ulji Freedom Guardian (UFG)" which is now being conducted by the United States in south Korea against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

The U.S.-led joint military exercises including the "UFG," which are staged one after another every year on the Korean peninsula and beyond, are serious provocations as well as typical expressions of the U.S. hostile policy against the DPRK.

The U.S. is again attempting to cover up the aggressive and dangerous nature of such exercises by describing them as "annual" or "defensive" ones.

However, such real war-like military maneuvers, which mobilize massive armed forces with nuclear capacity with a purpose of occupying Pyongyang, capital of the DPRK, can neither be "defensive" nor justified as "routine" under the pretext of [being held on an] "annual basis."

Anti-war protest at U.S. Naval Command in Seoul, August 15, 2015. (SPARK)

The U.S. is forcing the DPRK into an arms race through ceaseless war drills and arms build-up in a sinister bid to throw hurdles in the way of the DPRK's efforts for the economic development and the improvement of the people's standard of living, and seeking an opportunity for a preemptive attack on the DPRK by making it inattentive to increased vicious cycles of tensions.

The U.S. war games clearly prove that it is the U.S. which instigates the vicious cycles of escalating confrontation and tension and creating the danger of war on the Korean peninsula.

The U.S.-led aggressive and provocative large scale joint military exercises are no longer issues confined to the DPRK-U.S. or inter-Korean relations but an international issue which threatens the peace and security in Northeast Asia and beyond.

Therefore, I request that the issue of the U.S. joint military exercises, be placed on the Security Council agenda, and that a meeting of the Security Council be urgently held in accordance with Articles 34 and 35 of the Charter of the United Nations.

I would like to remind that the Security Council has unjustifiably ignored the DPRK's several requests to place the issue of the U.S. joint military exercises on the agenda of the Security Council.

Should the Security Council again ignore the DPRK's just request to discuss the U.S. joint military exercises, it will expose itself for giving up its primary mission of maintaining international peace and security and becoming a political tool of an individual power.

If the U.S. persistently opts for military confrontation despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK and the shared denunciation by the international community, it will be held wholly accountable for all the ensuing consequences.

The DPRK will not indefinitely wait for the U.S. to change its DPRK policy by seeing its sovereignty and security being threatened, but will make all necessary steps to deter U.S. nuclear provocations.

I should be grateful if you would have the present letter circulated as an official document of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

(August 19, 2015)