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NATO Chiefs of Defence assess current adaptation and future requirements

January 15, 2020

   On 14 and 15 January 2020, the NATO Chiefs of Defence gathered for the 182nd Military Committee in Chiefs of Defence Session (MCCS), their first meeting of 2020. The two-day discussions focused on NATO's Deterrence and Defence Posture, including the Deterrence and Defence Euro-Atlantic Area Concept, the Enablement of SACEUR's Area of Responsibility as well as NATO's Operations, Missions and Activities. The Chiefs of Defence held a special session with the NATO Partner Georgia.

After meeting with the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the 29 Chiefs of Defence reviewed NATO's ongoing operational commitments, force generation and discussed potential future requirements. "Currently, there are approximately 20,000 NATO military personnel engaged in operations in Afghanistan, Kosovo and the Mediterranean, managing what are often complex ground, air and naval operations. I commend them for their bravery commitment to upholding NATO's role as peace and security provider" underlined Air Chief Marshal Peach, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee. The Chiefs of Defence then met, in dedicated sessions, with the Operational Partners from the Resolute Support Mission, the NATO Mission Iraq and the KFOR Mission.

In the afternoon, the Chiefs of Defence focused on the Concept for the Deterrence and Defence of the Euro-Atlantic Area and the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept. "These documents are derived from the NATO Military Strategy but are complimentary as the first one looks at the immediate to short-term and the second has a 20-year approach. They will allow our Alliance to prepare for a more unpredictable world and deal with the consequences of a changed security environment", added the Chairman.

On Wednesday 15 January, the Allied Chiefs of Defence turned their attention to NATO' southern flank with discussions on the Framework for the South and enhancing the cooperation with partner countries in the region and international organisations, including the European Union and the United Nations.

The next session was devoted the different elements related the Enablement of SACEUR's Area of Responsibility, including the Joint Forces Command Norfolk and the Joint Support and Enabling Command.

The Chiefs of Defence concluded their two-day meeting with a final session with Partner Georgia. They received an update on the current security situation, recent developments as well as a progress report on defence reforms. "Georgia is a valued NATO Partner, who is committed to NATO. And NATO is committed to Georgia. The work to refresh the Substantial NATO-Georgia Package will give both Allies and Georgia the chance to reflect recent initiatives and to prioritise these new initiatives for better effectiveness", concluded Air Chief Marshal Peach.

The Allied Chiefs of Defence will meet again at NATO HQ in May 2020.